Statistically Insignificant

E44 Mutual Aid II: Good for the soul
Our second of three episodes on the role of mutual aid in the leftist political project. This time we talk about why mutual aid is good for the people doing it.
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Twitter: @StatInsigPod
Bart can be found @SnitchinOrwell on Twitter, or at
E43: Mutual Aid Logistics
First of a three part series about mutual aid. This episode deals with the logistics of managing mutual aid stuff, particularly around mutual aid funds that act as pools of money for a community.Example for individual project or person: for community: the pod on Patreon for bonus episodes and additional material: is no video version of this episode, but if you want to see our video episodes check out you have a statistic or a chart you'd like us to talk about contact us.Email: StatisticallyInsignificantPod@protonmail.chTwitter: @StatInsigPodMastodon: can be found @SnitchinOrwell on Twitter, or at -
E42: Carbon Credits
If a cow farts in a field and there's a techbro with a box to catch it, does it really produce greenhouse gases?References:Chay, F., Badgley, G., Martin, K., Freeman, J., Hamman, J., and Cullenward, D. (2022) 'Unpacking ton-year accounting', (carbon)plan, the pod on Patreon for bonus episodes and additional material: video version of this episode is at you have a statistic or a chart you'd like us to talk about contact us.Email: StatisticallyInsignificantPod@protonmail.chTwitter: @StatInsigPodMastodon: can be found @SnitchinOrwell on Twitter -
E41: Fatagories
We talk about how and why BMI sucks as a metric for either health or fatness, and other models for classifying fatness that actually reflect the needs and experiences of fat people.If you want to know more about relative risk statistics check out E19: Pregnancy Risk: the pod on Patreon for bonus episodes and additional material: (2021) 'BMI Chart', Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0, A., Montori, V. M., Somers, V. K., Korinek, J., Thomas, R. J., Allison, T. G.,... & Lopez-Jimenez, F. (2006). 'Association of bodyweight with total mortality and with cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease: a systematic review of cohort studies'. The Lancet, 368(9536), 666-678.Wang, Z. J., Zhou, Y. J., Galper, B. Z., Gao, F., Yeh, R. W., & Mauri, L. (2015). 'Association of body mass index with mortality and cardiovascular events for patients with coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. Heart, 101(20), 1631-1638.American Medical Association (2023). 'Support Removal of BMI as a Standard Measure in Medicine and Recognizing Culturally-Diverse and Varied Presentations of Eating Disorders and Indications for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery'. Report 07 of the Council on Science and Public Health.The video version of this episode is at you have a statistic or a chart you'd like us to talk about contact us.Email: StatisticallyInsignificantPod@protonmail.chTwitter: @StatInsigPodMastodon: can be found @SnitchinOrwell on Twitter -
E40: Marking
Marking schemes are statistical objects and boy are they weird ones.
Support the pod on Patreon for bonus episodes and additional material:
The video version of this episode is at
If you have a statistic or a chart you'd like us to talk about contact us.
Twitter: @StatInsigPod
Bart can be found @SnitchinOrwell on Twitter