- Please be respectful of others. Shouting and flame wars are not acceptable.
- Please keep discussions on topic.
- While philosophy has a place in science, please refrain from wild speculations and arguments that are not based in the scientific principle.
- Conspiracy theories are not acceptable topics of discussion.
- Hits: 49
About Us
Socializing Scientists was originally a Meetup out of Philadelphia suburbs. The group was created by Kathleen McLaughlin as a way for various scientists in the Philadelphia area to get together for an informal conversation. During the Pandemic, the group moved to a virtual format and ended up attracting people from all over the world. The group discussed various scientific topics based on who was online. When Meetup's format and pricing changed, the Meetup group was shuttered by was picked up the in the new we-based and discord-based format by Drew Lehman.
Socializing Scientists seeks to help those interested in science, meet new people, expand their knowledge and provide and educational experience for everyone involved. We encourage everyone to participate but we ask that you respect everyone in the community and please try to keep in mind that the subject matter experts (SMEs) have taken years of study to be where they are.
If you are a SME, please be willing to entertain those looking to learn and become more knowledgeable in your area of expertise.
Our Philosophy
Out philosophy is two part:
1) Anyone interested in learning the scientific process and wants to learn more about a subject should have a place to find the information they need. We encourage anyone with a scientific background to embrace those seeking to expand their knowledge.
2) As one becomes more knowledgeable in an area, the more they become walled off from other areas of expertise. Socializing scientists encourages the cross-pollination of ideas and encourages people of various fields of knowledge to have open and relaxed conversation, hopefully sparking new ideas and relationships.
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Welcome to Socializing Scientists, where scientists come to socialize and discuss recent events in science and technology. Socializing Scientists was established to give people a place to discuss topics without the research or corporate demands that often comes with scientific professions. Feel free to have conversations, meet people and expand on ideas without the stress. Join the forums catch up on the latest news, or chat with your colleagues and other scientifically oriented people. Check out the latest science news in a variety of subjects, check out a podcast, or watch related You-Tube videos. We will offer talk and presentations as speakers are available. Make sure to let us know what topics interest you. Please join us in out Discord server to scheduled and impromptu chats. |
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